Work in the 21st century...

With the growing influence of technology including automation, robotics, smart devices, biotechnology and artificial intelligence as well as the rapid expansion of the gig and sharing economy, the role of work in the modern world has changed.

As we move into the Fourth Industrial Revolution, many businesses are shifting away from direct and traditional employee relationships and instead focusing on building a more adaptable and efficient labour force due to among other things the impact of disruptive technology and globalisation. As a result there has been significant increase in job sharing arrangements, casualisation, automation, contracting and sourcing labour needs through a complicated global network of smaller independent businesses including individuals involved with microtasking and the on-demand gig economy. By having more flexible agreements in place with workers and focusing on the core business, the aim is to strike a balance between flexibility and job security while improving overall business productivity. However, there are often unintended adverse effects including workers feeling they have less bargaining power, conflicting work demands, reduced employment, complications surrounding work health and safety, generational differences and key responsibilities being pushed downwards onto those with less capacity to ensure decent work.

Rethinko believes in a world in which technology can in fact help transform the way we work for the better. Work will no doubt continue to change at a rapid pace, which means a need for greater adaptability. However, technological advances need not adversely impact the quantity or quality of future jobs. The labour force is a dynamic system with many inter-connected parts as well as systemic imbalances. With the right approach and attitude, employers and employees can effectively work together to take advantage of and mutually benefit from the modern employment relationship.

Rethinko provides...

targeted solutions that are focused on enabling employers and employees to be more agile and better work together in a world increasingly influenced by technology, globalisation and neoliberal ideology.